Japannext PTS is open five days a week from Monday to Friday except for national, observed, and exchange holidays. Please refer to the tables below for exact dates.
Testing schedules for production and UAT environments are as follows:
A PTS (Proprietary Trading System) is an electronic trading system that allows investors and brokers to trade securities outside of the exchanges. With the enforcement of amendments to Securities and Exchange Act (the present-day Financial Instruments and Exchange Act: FIEA) in December 1998, the requirements to trade securities only through stock exchange were abolished and thereby allowed securities companies to open and operate a PTS to trade listed securities off-exchange with an authorization from the Japanese government.
Saturdays, Sundays, national, observed, and exchange holidays, December 31st to January 3rd.
Yes. Although some conditions may apply. Please contact us for details.
Yes. Our co-location facility is in the same datacenter as other trading venues.
Please refer to the Testing Schedule section.
Please refer to the PTS Information Network website established by JSDA (Japan Securities Dealers Association).
The securities that we designate among those listed in Japanese stock exchanges are traded at our venue. For more details, please refer to the Securities page.
Daytime Session is open from 8:20 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on every business day. Nighttime Session is open every business day from 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. of the following day.
On a PTS, trading rules and operations are executed individually by each of the operating firms. Therefore yes, Japannext PTS’s stock prices may differ from other firms. (Just like stock prices of a stock that is listed on multiple exchanges may differ in each exchange, stock prices may differ in each PTS.)
Please refer to the Trading Halt page.
All our markets are order driven. Prices are determined by the publication of orders to buy and sell shares. The limit orders we allowed are processed in accordance with the following principles:
At Japannext PTS there is no special quote renewal system, a system in which a special quote is indicated for an order that exceeds a certain price range from the last execution order and prevent it from being executed, which is adopted at the exchanges. Therefore, when a new order’s limit price matches with orders already resting in the order book of the PTS, it will be immediately executed at the limit price of the book. Matching will continue until all of the crossed quantity is executed in full. The remaining shares will be processed according to the order’s instructions.
We only allow limit orders. For the variation of limit orders, please refer to the Supported order types.
Among the securities traded at Japannext PTS, per order quantity is up to 5% of the total number of outstanding shares listed at the exchanges. An order with a quantity exceeding this limit will be rejected by Japannext PTS.
The standard order value limit is 100 million JPY per single order. An order with a value exceeding this limit will be rejected by Japannext PTS.
However, the 100 million JPY limit can be extended to 2.5 billion JPY by using the special order confirmation flag in an order message.
Yes, an unexecuted order can be cancelled in a similar way to an order placed through the exchanges.
Execution Date is always the actual date of the execution.
Trade Date (T) is the date at the end of the Trading Day which starts at the beginning of the Nighttime Session and ends at the end of the following Daytime Session.
Settlement Date is T+2.
JSCC (Japan Securities Clearing Corporation) is designated as a clearing entity for Japannext PTS and all trades executed on Japannext PTS are handled by JSCC and cleared in accordance with the JSCC business rules.
All settlement processing is done through JASDEC (Japan Securities Depository Center).
Yes, it is allowed as of August 26, 2019. Click here for announcement
Yes, in order to limit the fluctuations in stock prices, we set our price ranges essentially to the same as the exchanges.
For more details, please refer to the Japannext PTS Trading Rules
Yes, tick size at Japannext PTS differs among each market (J-Market, X Market and U Market).
For more details, please refer to the Japannext PTS Trading Rules, X-market information and U-market information:
in Japanese
for J-Market and X-Market information in English
for U-Market information in English
Our stock lot sizes are never smaller than at the primary exchange and may differ as follows:
Same FIEA regulations applied to transactions at the exchanges apply to transactions at a PTS.
Market manipulation restrictions
A trading at PTS is an off-exchange transaction and is subject to market manipulation restrictions in the same way as a trading at exchange. For instance, wash trading, a simultaneous buying and selling of the same securities by the same investor; accommodation trading, a buying and selling of the same securities entered into by a person who accommodated another person; price ratcheting orders to swing exchange markets; and orders to fix price at Japannext PTS are prohibited.
Insider trading restrictions
Trading at a PTS is an off-exchange transaction and is subject to insider trading restrictions in the same way as trading at exchange. An investor who holds knowledge about undisclosed material facts or facts of the tender offer of an issuer of listed securities are not allowed to trade that securities at a PTS before such information is disclosed to the public.
TOB Regulations
TOB regulations are the rules under FIEA that provides that if the ownership ratio of shares after an off-exchange purchase of shares issued by companies subject to continuous disclosure of annual securities report, such as listed companies, exceeds 5%, that purchase must be effected by means of a tender offer (TOB) in principle. The contents of TOB regulations differ depending on the thresholds of ownership ratio of the shares after the purchase (exceeding 5%, one third, one-half, two third, etc.).
A best execution policy is a policy and method of a financial service provider stipulated for executing orders from clients on the best possible terms. We are a PTS operator and the orders we receive from clients for listed securities are only executed at Japannext PTS. We do not broker an order to an exchange or other PTS operator.
For more details, please refer to the Best Execution page (Japanese only)
They are taxed in the same way as the listed securities traded at the exchanges.
Same as the exchanges, the PTS that handles listed securities are subject to short selling price restrictions. Specifically the following restrictions regarding short selling are applicable to Japannext PTS:
Restriction | Applicability to Japannext PTS | |
Naked short sale Prohibition of short sale without guarantee of borrowed securities |
Applicable Same as a short sale at an exchange, naked short selling is not allowed at Japannext PTS except the legally exempted transaction. |
Marking requirements for short selling Obligation to clarify short-selling order |
Applicable Investors are required to clearly specify the type of short sale when placing sell orders at Japannext PTS (short sales that are subject to price restrictions or those exempted from the restrictions) |
Short selling price restrictions A short sale at a price lower than the last traded price is prohibited by the trigger rules (short selling price restrictions are applied once the trade price of each issue drops by 10% or more from the base price) |
Applicable The securities whose price has dropped by 10% or more from the base price at Daytime Session or Nighttime Session are subject to the short selling price restrictions. Also, the securities whose price has dropped by 10% or more at Nighttime Session are subject to short-selling price restrictions during the Daytime Session. Apart from the securities whose price has dropped by 10% or more at a PTS indicated above, the securities whose price has dropped by 10% or more at primary exchanges are also subject to short-selling price restrictions at Japannext PTS from the Nighttime session of that day until the end of the following Daytime Session. You can find the list of securities that triggered short-selling price restrictions at Japannext PTS at the following pages. |
Short sale position reporting obligation |
Applicable Short sale position at a PTS prescribed under the law is to be reported and disclosed at primary exchanges via trading participants of the exchanges (Investors are required to submit their short sale position to the brokers when their short positions exceed a threshold. The brokers are required to pass the short position reports to the primary exchange. The primary exchange aggregates the reports from trading participants and discloses the information regarding short sale positions at their website). |
Short selling restrictions regarding public offering Prohibition of covering short sales with stocks obtained through public offering in the case where short sales are conducted between the announcement of the offering and determination of the issue price |
Applicable Same as a short sale at an exchange, short selling at Japannext PTS is subject to the short selling restrictions regarding public offering. |
Please refer to the Supported Order Types section.
Yes. We do support short sell trading. Please refer to the Supported Order Types section.